DeAM fit Help

Welcome page

You will find the following buttons at the upper edge of the screen: Contact, Help, Deutsch.

With a single click on Contact you will receive a display of our contact details for any questions or suggestions.

Click on Help to gain support information with the DeAM fit welcome page.

Please note:
After logging in the system, you can access the latest version of this user manual in a PDF format by clicking on the Help button.

Click on Deutsch to get a display of the texts in German.
Please note:
After login, the texts will be displayed in the language which has been registered for you, irrespective of the language in which the login page was displayed. To change your language setting, please click on the corresponding button after you have logged in DeAM fit. Depending on the setting, you will get reports in the selected language.

In addition to Imprint and Disclaimer, you can look under More Information for links to other internet pages.


After your user name and password have been entered, you can access DeAM fit by clicking on Login.

Please note:
For security reasons, you will be asked to change your password on logging in for the first time and after 180 days have elapsed.

Technical requirements and security

The new online reporting system has not only been revised with regard to user guidance, functionalities and the reports provided, also the technical concept has been completely re-developed. Accordingly, with effect from release 2.0, DeAM fit no longer merely supports Internet Explorer version 6.0 or higher, but also other internet browsers such as Firefox version 1.0 or higher, Netscape version 7.0 or higher, Opera version 8.5 or higher and Mozilla version 1.0 or higher. All you need apart from an internet access and one of the above- mentioned browsers is Adobe Acrobat Reader and - where appropriate - a spreadsheet which can process Microsoft Excel files of version 95 or higher (e.g. Microsoft Office XP, Open Office 2.0).

Amidst all of these improvements, security has not been neglected, either. Also the new system has 128-bit Single Secure Layer (SSL) encryption which has by now been established as the standard. In order to prevent any abuse, we have introduced additional precautions preventing abuse of your access details. Irrespective of that, though, we should refer to our terms of use - which you can download or print out in their up-to-date form at any time in the reporting system under the menu point of Tools.